Transit Regime

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What is the Transit Regime?

The Transit Regime applies to the transportation of goods that are not subject to import duties and trade policy measures, have not entered free circulation, and have completed customs procedures related to exports, from one point to another within the Customs Territory of Türkiye under customs supervision.

Transportation of goods subject to the transit regime in the Customs Territory of Türkiye can occur:

  1. a) Within the scope of the transit regime declaration,
  2. b) Under the TIR carnet,
  3. c) Within the scope of the ATA carnet used as a transit document,
  4. d) Under the form 302 prescribed by the Convention between the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Status of Forces,
  5. e) By post, including postal parcels,
  6. f) In cases determined by the Regulation, CIM Transport Document for transport by rail, TR Transfer Note for transport by large containers, and goods manifest for transport by air and sea.

Customs administrations allow the transport of goods subject to the transit regime within the Customs Territory of Türkiye from:

– A foreign country to a foreign country,

– A foreign country to Türkiye,

– Türkiye to a foreign country,

– One internal customs office to another internal customs office.


It is obligatory to provide a guarantee to ensure the payment of customs duties that may accrue for transit goods. However, no collateral is required for transportation by air, pipeline, railroad, or sea, except in cases determined by regulation.